Friday, August 12, 2011

Soul to Soul

Eighth Wonder of the World by Santosh Acharya

When the nature is frozen and cool breeze is blowing
When cold and gloomy winter rules, garden no full of flowers
Tress no full of leaves and the nature without absolute charm
When snow whitens the environment, how sad, greenery disappears

The sun hides in the fogs and the cloud becomes a dictator
With lonely beaches and dark ocean tides, frustration deepens
But summer comes as you rise and shine with your gorgeous smile
My hope blooms like Jasmine and Tulip, and trust remains no more fragile

When you wrap me gently with your graceful fingers and arrow me with your deep ocean eyes
Your magic drags me to the paradise, with full of love and surprise
With eyes closed and heart opened, I expect your madness with your luscious lips
I wish everyone would be like you and redefine love and peac

In your imagination, I even forget the pain of Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and war zones
Let tranquillity prevails everywhere and your love heals pain and gloomy tones
In Facebook I just find your words, in Skype I just see your face
Do you know dear, I want to tweet you with my love in reality

You teach me to love, I’ll prove its power, lets everybody stand against war and brutality
From the summit of Mount Everest, I’ll blow the whistle of love
Spreading the message of compassion, we’ll fly as a pair of dove
Adding a new page in the history of love, we’ll prove our connection is pure and bold
With pride and glory I announce- you’re my eighth wonder of the world.


Rathnashikamani said...

Hi Santosh,

Your poetry is full of love and peace with wonderful images sculpted to juxtapose one another.

The concluding is marvelous wishing the world peace that you want to establish with the mutual love. I can say such Great Expectations issue buds from the small beginnings and bloom into many achievements at global level.

Hope to see many of your "new poetic pages in the history of love"

Anonymous said...

Dear Santosh, you have an amazing ability to describe tenderest feelings and you are not afraid of showing it to us!