Friday, July 12, 2013

Our Evaluation

HOW ARE WE ? by Santosh Acharya

Sleeping in the silent bed of sophisticated world
When someone dreams about his real freedom
Shocking to see the rest, busy in mining the gold
To conquer money, medal, pride and build stardom

Who cares when someone suffers from severe injury
These days victims grieve and their stories cheaply sell
His civilised people are lunatic, they celebrate his misery
Even the god can’t hear his alarm, no use of temple’s bell

I wish the world would restart again with no technology
Where people’s presence would heighten the humanity
Today, the majority of us are fake, still we pay no apology
So unfathomable, why and how the glory resides in our insanity

Sometime read about his agony not always about his success
Communicate to broaden harmony, not to respond and impress
It could be my ardent appeal to you or your silent request to me
Every virtue is important, feeling someone genuinely is the core key

Our limitless desire has deteriorated our dignity, what’s next touching star
We can explore that too but for now let’s honestly evaluate how we are !